Ironman Wisconsin Champ!

Ironman Wisconsin Champ!

Sunday, January 3, 2010

Headed Home, boo

Headed home from Florida, sadly. It was a good week. In the seven full days I was in Florida I logged 228 miles on the bike, 59 miles of running, 12k of swimming, and an hour of lifting. Not bad considering it was my first time on the bike and in the pool in two months and just my fourth week of running. If I can build off of those numbers I'll be in great shape for the spring. It was great to be able to ride and run outside even if the routes are limited and traffic heavy in a beach town. Swimming outdoors in a long course pool was a nice treat as well. The bad news is I'm headed home and as far as the forecast shows the temperature is not going to break 30 degrees. I'm seriously considering another extended training trip out to California. For some reason the idea of training all winter in Indiana isn't as appealing as in previous years.

I had a lot of fun with my new video camera. Shot a good 30 minutes worth of video, managed to edit and upload my own video. Amazing what you can do when you read an instruction manual. Below is the result, hopefully I'll have plenty of video blogs this year. My roomate Jun is the co-star. Enjoy and thanks for reading.


  1. Think you are having a bit too much fun with this camera, back to work :-)

  2. 21.776 for your timed 50...I didn't know they made 22 yard pools :-)

  3. Right around 5:36 is the best. Now that's what I like to see!

  4. Ha! Got me. The section of the pool I was swimming in was probably 20 yards long. Was curious how many people would believe I swam :22 from a push in my first week of swimming. I can only dream.

    My editing skills are no where close to Chris' but my favorite part is also the brief music video. Paul is right, too much fun with the camera. You should the 20min of video I didn't post!
